In a galaxy far, far away there is a planet artificially designed to support life known as Bellel. This strange alien planet harbors life forms of all varities and, unknown to its inhabitants, its destruction or salvation all lies within the hands of an artificially cloned weapon of its creators. The Great Nothing is a sci-fi fantasy epic that follows the exploits of this unknown weapon, the companions and the flurry of emotions it garners as it experiences life.
10 completed pages are ready to print and should arrive in the not so distant future courtesy of ccp comics!
The question is where do we go next? Crowdsource? Promote private investors? ccp will hopefully have the answers as i have one long epic to tell and more content to share here or on ccp comics website in the nearing future.
some of joseph arnold's concept art for a few of our ladies of belell. an amazonian like race known as the
nuwait- born from the stars Pronounced (new-eight)